How We Redesigned A Fashion Ecommerce Website To Boost Online Sales
Founded in San Diego, California in 2014, WowTrendz is a go-to eCommerce site for stylish women’s shoes and accessories at an affordable price. With a brand personality as fun and playful as their products, they make women across the country feel stunning by offering fashionable items for every occasion from a casual summer day to a first-date and even a night on a town.

The Challenge
To help their business stand out, the smartboost team was tasked with creating a new online user experience for their complex site including building and designing an eCommerce site that would showcase 1500 products, reflect WowTrendz’s fun and fashion-forward brand and appeal to their target audience of young women. When developing WowTrendz’s new site on Magento, we crafted a strategy that focused on ensuring a quick load time for their 1500 revolving SKUs, reducing the number of abandoned carts, assuring that all pages were user friendly, optimizing for SEO as well as making it mobile-friendly. Another main challenge that WowTrendz faced was reduced online visibility due to a disconnect between WowTrendz and Google Shopping Campaigns.
Our Tactics
Since the outdated site was a major challenge, we began this project by working on the UX design. Our web team focused their time on trying to get inside the mind of the visitor. Specifically on creating a simple, seamless, and enjoyable experience that would really speak to WowTrendz’s target demographic. The idea was not just to deliver information quickly, but to tell a story that would resonate with customers and even make them smile.
- UX/UI Design
- Mobile-First Design
- Web Development
- Optimized for SEO
The Typography
.css {
font-family: Lora;
font-family: Karla;
Project Management
Who Was Involved?
Bob’s role in this project was back-end developer and UX/UI designer. He went over the Magento catalog and developed a phenomenal homepage and product pages.
Emma’s role was the content marketing strategist. She was behind optimizing each product for SEO and creating a seamless user experience by adding persona-centric content.
Zoe’s role was the Project Manager. She was the main point of communication between the client and the team. She was also the driven force behind making sure that we hit all our deadlines.
Project Duration: 18 weeks
Amount of Hours: 220
Project Size: $$$
Before we started this project, we did an in-depth analysis of WowTrendz’s data, customers, pain points, online users analytics, and more. This helped us create a comprehensive strategy to address the challenges that the brand was facing. Once we implemented our solutions, we were able to successfully launch a site that saw its bounce rate decrease by 52%, its page views per session increase from 2.1 to 3.4, and its average session duration jump from 1:06s to 2:01s. But it wasn’t just how the visitors interacted with the site that was improved by leaps and bounds, all of these changes translated to sales as well. In the next 60days the transactions on the site went up by 42%