It’s no surprise that COVID-19 has changed the world for everyone. It has created uncertain times and a need to pivot the way we look at our workplaces, our schooling, our communities, and our relationships. With all this change, it’s important to stay adaptable.
At smartboost, we know that it’s more important than ever to stand by our clients and help them continue to grow during this unprecedented time. Luckily, we’ve been able to move all of our operations remotely since mid-March and none of our client work has been interrupted. In fact, we’ve actually grown our book of business and have been able to bring on new team members to grow the smartboost family. We are actively hiring, signing new clients, and figuring out how we can make the most of this tricky situation.
For our existing clients, know that we are here for you during this time and are looking for ways to adapt your strategy to adjust to your changing business needs. With everything from Google My Business updates to new services on your website, we’re here to help you grow.
For future clients, we want you to know that we are operating at full capacity and are growing our service offerings to better serve you. We are always thinking of new strategies to adapt to these changing times.
And for our smartboost team members, thank you for being so flexible and understanding during these crazy times. We appreciate all the hard work you’re putting in and continue to see client successes thanks to your diligent work.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions about how we’re handling COVID-19. When you grow, we grow!
To the future,
Giovanni Letellier
Founder, CEO, smartboost